Commenting out the detrimental lines from the rc scripts
usually eliminates the errors originating from the distribution's
rc scripts. oneSIS does this automatically for several
distributions by applying a `distribution patch`
against the filesystem.
Currently, oneSIS includes patches for several distributions.
Minor changes often are made to a distribution's rc scripts
between sub-versions of a distribution release. This requires
development of a patch to `port' oneSIS to each version
of a distribution.
Creating a patch for a newer version of an already supported
distribution is simple. An older patch for the same distribution can
be used as a model for the new patch. The primary goal of the patch
is to ensure that the root filesystem is not mounted read-write at
boot time. The patch also comments some actions in the rc
scripts that try to write to the root filesystem.
This results in a more aesthetic bootup.
At bootup many errors complaining about the 'Read-only file
system' may appear on the console. Tracking down the source of these
errors and commenting out the offending lines of code is not
difficult. However, leaving the script intact and creating
directives so that the data is written to the RAM disk instead may be preferable in some cases.
In general, developing a patch for a new version of a distribution can be accomplished with only a few iterations of booting a machine.