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Deploying parts of the image to local disk

For some machines, having all or part of the root filesystem reside on a local disk may be desirable. This is accomplished by using the DEPLOYMOUNT and DEPLOYSWAP directives in combination with the mk-diskful script. These directives cause oneSIS to create partitions and copy portions of the root filesystem to one or more local disks on a machine.
When deploying the entire image to local disk, keep in mind that oneSIS requires perl to operate. Since perl and its libraries are most often found in /usr, this means that /usr must be available very early in the boot process. This is easily accomplished simply by not deploying /usr on a separate partition, or by making sure that it gets mounted from within the initramfs.

If a BOOTLOADER directive is defined for a node, and the /boot directory is deployed on a local disk, the specified bootloader will be installed.

root 2017-02-23