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 Usage: sync-node [OPTION]... $<$-i image$>$ $<$directory$>$...  

Synchronizes a directory on a diskful or partially diskful oneSIS node with the master image.

At least one local directory to synchronize must be given.
The image parameter is required and must specify the host and remote path of the NFS-exported master image.

-i, -image=HOST:DIR Specify the location of the master image
-l, -lilo Run lilo
-a, -all Synchronize all local partitions
-e, -exclude=PATTERN Exclude files matching PATTERN
-d, -dryrun Preview changes
-q, -quiet Suppress output

When portions of the root filesystem exist on local disk partitions, it is necessary to synchronize these partitions with the master image as often as necessary. If a change is made to /etc/passwd, for instance, all nodes having a local /etc partition could be synchronized with:

Currently, synchronizing only from an NFS-exported directory is supported. Synchronizing via other methods may be added if desired.

Note: Running `sync-node /' will synchronize only the partition that / resides on. If /etc is on another partition, `sync-node /etc' would need to be run to synchronize it. To synchronize all local partitions, use `sync-node -a'.

Warning: Running `sync-node -a' will attempt to synchronize all locally mounted partitions. However, if a /data directory, for example, is mounting a SAN storage device that appears to the system as a SCSI disk, `sync-node -a' will detect that it is local and attempt to synchronize /data with the (probably-empty) /data directory in the master image, resulting in possible data loss. It is advisable to use EXCLUDESYNC directives as appropriate, and use `sync-node -a' with caution around nodes with a SAN.

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root 2017-02-23