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 EXCLUDESYNC $<$path$>$ [-c class[,class]...] [-n node[,node]...] [-p property[,property]...]  

Specifies files/directories that should not be synchronized with the master image when sync-node (section 6.6) is run.
Note: This directive is only applicable to diskful nodes.

Network filesystems mounted on a node are automatically excluded, so those directories do not need EXCLUDESYNC directives. However, any SAN filesystem that presents itself to the OS as block device (eg: fiber-channel and iSCSI) will likely need one.

This is crucial for diskful nodes mounting filesystems from any storage that appears to the system as a local device. Any attempt to synchronize that mountpoint would synchronize it with the (probably empty) directory in the master image, possibly resulting in data loss.

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root 2017-02-23