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 Usage: consl $<$NODESPEC$>$... [OPTION]...  

This program is a wrapper script that calls an external console command (specified in /etc/sysimage.conf) to get on a remote node's console.

NODESPEC can be:
$[$-r] RANGESPEC (any text with one or more RANGEs in brackets)
  a RANGE is of the form $<$a-b [,x-y $\vert$ ,z]...$>$, where a$<$b and x$<$y
  ie: cn[1-10,15,20-32] or su[1,4]cn[1-32] or my[1-32]nodes
-re REGEXP (perl-style regular expression matching hostnames)
-c CLASS (oneSIS class name)

-h, -host=HOSTNAME Operate on hostname
-r, -range=RANGESPEC Specify a range of nodes to operate on
-re, -regexp=REGEXP Specify a regular expression of nodes to operate on
-c, -class=CLASS Specify a class of nodes to operate on
-p, -parallelism=NUM Specify the maximum number of parallel commands to run
    (default: no limit)
-d, -dryrun Show command(s) that would be executed
-q, -quiet Suppress output

Like pwr, consl command is a convenient wrapper supplied to provide a unified interface for accessing the serial console of cluster nodes. Typically, only one serial console is accessed at a time, but if the underlying application supports it (for instance conman -b), multiple consoles can be accessed at the same time.

Note: consl requires at least one valid SPECFORMAT and CONSOLECMD directive in
/etc/sysimage.conf to operate.

For example, if the cluster is set up such that the serial console of a node named node1 is accessible by telnetting to node1-term, the following configuration could be used in (/etc/sysimage.conf): SPECFORMAT spec1 hostname NODE:/$/-term/

To clear the screen and print a helpful message before opening each console:

To open each console in a separate window:

Then to connect to the console of node1, run:

Or, to connect to several consoles:

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root 2017-02-23