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 Usage: pxe-config $<$NODESPEC$>$... $<$-show$\vert$-list$\vert$PXE_CONFIG$>$ [OPTION]...  

This will create any necessary symlinks to use the PXE config specified by PXE_CONFIG on the specified nodes.

NODESPEC can be:
$[$-r] RANGESPEC (any text with one or more RANGEs in brackets)
  a RANGE is of the form $<$a-b [,x-y $\vert$ ,z]...$>$, where a$<$b and x$<$y
  ie: cn[1-10,15,20-32] or su[1,4]cn[1-32] or my[1-32]nodes

-l, -list List available PXE configuration files
-s, -show Show which nodes are using which config file
-r, -revert Revert specified nodes back to the 'default' config
-d, -dryrun Show command(s) that would be executed
-q, -quiet Suppress output

This script is supplied as a convenience for operators using the PXELINUX package for network booting. PXELINUX allows individual nodes to use different configuration files by looking for a file with the hex equivalent of the node's IP address.

pxe-config provides a helpful interface to specify individual configuration files for given nodes, list which configuration files are available, and show which nodes are using which configuration.

PXE configuration files are normally kept in a directory like /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg. If you create a PXE configuration file called /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/x86_64/3.10.0 containing your desired PXE configuration, you could direct nodes node1 through node100 to use that config with:

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root 2017-02-23